Cabalgatas para Turismo Internacional

El turista a su llegada comienza a participar de las actividades del gaucho, se viste de forma típica, ensilla su caballo y emprende la cabalgata por los caminos rurales de la zona disfrutando de su paisaje y actividad agropecuaria

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Resumen del Servicio
Llegada al campo, recibimiento con pastelitos.
Llegada de la cabalgata:
almuerzo empanadas , chorizo , morcilla , asado al asador, bife de chorizo a la estaca, pollo a la parrilla, ensalada mixta y papas al horno de barro, postre: flan casero
o arroz con leche.
Juego de las boleadoras y Herradura.
A las 16.45 hs despedida con mate cocido
y tortas fritas .
Tarifa con traslado desde Capital o La Plata 100 dolares por persona.

- sujeto a disponibilidad.





Horse ride for International Tourist

As soon as the tourist arrive begins to participate in the daily activities of the gaucho, gets dressed typically, saddles its horse, and takes a horse ride around the rural areas enjoying the landscape
and farming activity

Ask for information:

Summary of the Service
Arrival to the field, welcome with pastelitos. Arrival of the cavalcade:
lunch empanadas, garlic sausage, blood sausage, roasted to the spit, steak of garlic sausage to the stake, chicken to the grill, mixed salad and Popes to the furnace of mud, dessert: they flan homemade or rice with milk.
T ypical Guitars
Game of the boleadoras and Horseshoe.
To 16,45 hs dismissed with kills spanish stew and fried cakes.
Tariff with transfer from Capital or city of the Silver 100 dollars by person.

- subject to availability.




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